Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Morning notes

Just a quick post before hitting the road this morning.
I'll be riding the highways this 13th day of June. As I type, I'm coming up to the minute when I was born 57 years ago today. On most days, I don't feel 57. And I won't feel old today as I am cruising on my Vulcan.

I'm treating myself to a day game in St. Louis. It's a make up game from an earlier rain out so I scored a good seat at a decent price. I'm pretty sure the day will include a hot dog with grilled onions and kraut and I plan to meet fellow blogger, Mike, for Ted Drewe's after the game.

It looks like the day is going to be plenty warm so I am happy to have my new Kevlar shirt to wear. If you're out and about today, look out for motorcycles.

Be well
John <><


  1. Kevlar shirt: What brand/where'd you get it? It's getting awfully hot and humid down here and NOT wearing a jacket is sounding more and more appealing.

    1. https://www.legendaryusa.com/Draggin-Unisex-Yellow-Kevlar-Motorcycle-Shirt.html?gclid=Cj0KEQjwmv7JBRDXkMWW4_Tf8ZoBEiQA11B2fk1GZbo9T8ttphCt76f362UW0ZJK9KVQZZShPgOPjjcaAk4i8P8HAQ

  2. I'm glad you caught a Cards game, John.

  3. See you at Teds.
