Tuesday, April 12, 2016

One Man's Trash ...

It is often said that one man's trash is another man's treasure. That saying comes to mind as I contemplate this morning's post.

Conferences like last week's often make me wonder about my calling to share God's Word as an evangelist. I know that all Christians are commanded to tell of God's redemptive love through His son, Jesus; but to be called as an evangelist and stand in the pulpits of His churches around the state -- that is often as much of a burden as it is a privilege.

"Why me?" often comes to mind.
It isn't about ability -- I realize that God has blessed me with being comfortable when standing before people. Stage fright about public speaking has never been an issue.
And it isn't about being unable to communicate effectively -- I seem to be able to connect with people of all ages (with or without the use of magic).

It's just that I often feel like God should have a better plan than to leave the spreading of His love and His story in the hands of somebody like me.

Maybe that's why I like the story of the woman at the well found in John's gospel.
You can read the story here.

Jesus and his disciples are traveling through the land of Samaria and find themselves at the well of a city of Samaria around midday. While the others go to look for food, Jesus hangs out by the well and meets with a woman of the town.
She has come to the well at midday to avoid the scorn of the other women that come earlier in the morning.
After a brief encounter with this woman of poor reputation, Jesus reveals that HE is the Messiah!

The woman tells the people of the town, "Come and see a man that told me all about myself. Could this be the messiah?"

The people come and later tell the woman, "We believe! But now we believe, not because of what you've said, but because we have seen and heard for ourselves!"

Jesus used a...
Samaritan (considered to be unclean and unworthy by the Jews)
woman (a second class citizen that other men would pay little attention to)
of poor reputation (even in her own town she was despised by men and women)
...to bring an entire community to the saving knowledge that He is the Messiah!

I guess when it comes to using the lowly people of the world, God has been doing it for quite some time.

Low status among other humans is kind of a human thing.
We all seem to have a higher status in the eyes of our Maker.
We may have a low standing in the eyes of others (or even in our own eyes), but we are a treasure in the eyes of God.

If He would choose to use a sinful woman of an unclean people, why wouldn't He choose to use us?
Even if you have been discarded by society or disowned by family and shunned by friends, you are His treasure.

Life is short.
Eternity is long.
Be faithful.

John <><

1 comment:

  1. I've always liked how the bible is full of flawed people that God used to advance his kingdom. You're in good company, John! It's also because of this that I'm disturbed when fundamentalists are quick to dismiss a GLBTQ person from serving in the church. I think of King David and how absolutely flawed he was and how many people he killed or had killed yet God was still able to use him.
