Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Another Day in Paradise!

It looks like another beautiful day in paradise!

The sun is shining. The waves are crashing the beach. The coffee is good.
And I am relaxing at the keyboard while Chris is off to her morning long spa treatment.

Although it has been hot and humid, there is always a breeze at the beach and a cool drink at hand (other than my morning coffee). We took a walk through the shops of Ixtapa yesterday afternoon and will plan a morning trip into Zihautanejo later in the week. We will also take an excursion to Ixtapa Island on Thursday or Friday.

I slept very well last night and feel more rested today than I have felt in quite sometime.
The resort is relatively empty and life is moving at a much slower pace. I know that I could get used to this.
No. I don't think that I would get bored living life on the beach.
I've been reading (more about the book I just finished in another post) and writing. I haven't done much walking or running on the beach other than the occasional stroll with Chris, nor did I take the morning bicycle ride to the marina this morning. But I am sure that if I lived here, I would make those things a part of my daily routine.

Again, my friendly waiter Benito is keeping my coffee cup filled as I blog and he just stopped by with a fresh glass of ice water.

I suppose it is time to find a spot near the pool with a great view of the beach.
Where ever you are, whatever you are doing -- have a grand day!

John <><

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