Sunday, August 03, 2014

My Happy Little World

It's pretty much the end of the day--6 pm on Sunday evening, and I'm realizing that I've had very little interaction with anybody today.

And I'm good with that!

I got in pretty late (or early--1:30 am) from my day trip to St. Louis yesterday and woke up late this morning with a stiff back (from too much time sitting yesterday, no doubt). I missed church and then went out to lunch with Chris. Chris, a waitress, a store clerk, a phone call to my dad and one to my daughter...that's the total of my personal interactions for the day.

I'm not saying that I'm an introvert, but the evidence is pretty convincing.
Yesterday was pretty much the same. I spent about 8 hours in the car and listened to very little radio. I spent most of the time with my own thoughts--talk about your quiet time! I was grateful to spend the afternoon and evening with Aaron (and 45,000 fans at the baseball game) and had a few encounters with others, but mostly I kept to my relatively small world.

I was wondering...
How many people do you interact with on a daily basis?
Some (people that work in retail, food industry, or other public venues) have contact with large numbers of people every day. Some have contact with a limited number of  people every day and some have contact with only few people.

The bonus of no contact is no drama. No drama. No judgment. No conflict.

Today has been a nice, quiet day. I decided on a day of rest from any exercise--didn't even take a walk. I watched a little baseball, read a little on the web, made a couple of phone calls and did little else. I'm sure that the week will bring more contact with others in its due course.
Sacre Bleu!

Have a great week.

John <><

1 comment:

  1. "How many people do you interact with on a daily basis?"

    Not many. Introverts typically have a few close friends according to my post 1810.
