Sunday, August 17, 2014


Happy Sunday morning from Chicago!

We're having a wonderful visit with the kids and looking forward to church with them today.

Yesterday we managed to over indulge on the Chicago cuisine (including a couple of late night White Castles) while getting in plenty of walking and activity. I managed to avoid the ballpark hotdog (figuring that I was  already getting more than my share of daily calories) but caved to the Cracker Jacks when cotton candy vendor came by for Chris (he had both)!

No worries! I'm off the calorie counting wagon for the weekend. The weekend plan is to enjoy our visit, enjoy our food without going crazy, get in enough walking to feel good about it, get back to the routine on Monday and be okay with that.

It sounds like morning alarms are going off so others will be getting up soon. (I've already showered and finished my first cup of morning tea.) Looking forward to another day with family!

Have a grand day!

John <><


  1. Have a great Chicago visit! There's a world class art museum there.

  2. Late night White Castles are always good.

  3. Going to take in a Cubs game? Have a great time, whatever you do!

    1. Took in a Sox game, Angel.
      And had a great time all weekend!
