Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Gift For Chocolate Lovers

I ran across this recipe on a site called Eating Well. Heidi will appreciate the entire section of chocolate recipes. But this is the one that caught my attention. I'm hoping for someone to try it out and report back to me!



  1. I'll try it but only because I like you ;)

    wv-perch- yep thats what it says! perch, sheesh do you think wv is on to us? lol

  2. GAACK. Gimme toast and jelly with chocolate for desert.

    Wv - dearpet - No kidding, this was the wv.

  3. That looks a little too rich for me.
    On a side note, have you ever tried, cheese, chocolate and bread? Its like a craze here in Palembang. (Not for me though..)
